Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Saturday 10 July 2004

Hotel Very Acceptable Vienna And

14.42 Hotel Very Acceptable, Vienna.


And with high speed free internet. And with complementary Weekend FT in the lobby. This is the hotel where Crimson stayed in 2001, when we almost played Vienna: Ade was made low with Devil Disease.

The Satch Bus arrived from Slovenia at 08.45. Before taking a 20 minute nap, I took care of the Gigster's Necessities as mandated by The Happy Gigster's Guide: washed underwear, socks & Bus t-shirt for sleeping; shaved; organised suitcase & computer; and only then climbed under the welcoming crisp duvet. However bad you feel when you get off the bus & check into the hotel, prepare yourself for the day before you go back to bed. This is the morning version of the Gigster's night-time injunction: However bad you feel tonight, in the morning you will feel worse. So pack your suitcase - now!

Then, when the Gigster does get up, they can enter the day as if the day were beginning. Shower, extend good wishes to family & pals at a distance, then hit the streets in search of a good coffee shop to pump down some bean juice with selected reading.

I was heading for Hotel Macher and its fine outside seating area, to sit & chill with coffee over linen, but the sidewalk has become a construction site! Terror, horror, misery & pooey pooey. I settled for Starbucks on the opposite corner. Happily, its in-house music choice was Mozart. Wonderful. What a difference when a Noise Pollution System is set to life enhancement.

